When Target sent us a press packet highlighting all of their new dorm-room accessories, it reminded us that it's the time of year when the college-aged among us prepare to leave home. For you, that may mean a son, daughter or younger sibling whose cheerful presence you'll miss. For us, it means the departure of interns and the end of free labor.
Anyway, knowing that we're too far removed from college life to know what's cool and what's not, we asked four of our interns which of the Target products they'd most like for their dorm room. No, we weren't planning on surprising the interns with a nice parting gift. We just wanted their advice, so that you can send the student in your life away with a little something special. Here are their top 10.
1. Rubber Photo Frames ($7.99).
"I would definitely pick up a couple of these dorm-room photo frames because nothing makes a whitewashed, cramped dorm room feel more like home than pictures of friends and family."
-- Afif, recent Case Western Reserve University graduate
2. Butterfly Chair (cover, $16.99; frame $16.99).
"These types of chairs are really comfortable and also they can be folded up and put in the corner out of the way when you need the space."
-- Kyle, senior at University School
3. Accent Rugs ($9.99).
"Dorm-room floors are rarely carpeted."
-- Natalie, senior at Ohio University
4. Peg Accent Lamp ($14.99). "This lamp is really unique. I've really never seen one like this and the movable pegs can be counted on to entertain me for hours."
-- Kyle
5.Woodgrain Candles ($2.99-$9.99).
"After a day of studying, there is nothing more relaxing than the pleasant scent of aroma candles and a great book."
-- Afif
6. Chinese Paper Lanterns ($7.99).
"These give off that really comfy light. In the dorms, they have that icky fluorescent light."
-- Rachel, senior at Kent State University
7. Laundry Basket ($19.99).
"With four feet of floor space, the last thing I want on the ground is my laundry. A removable laundry bag takes all the hassle out of sorting the laundry and keeping your room nice and neat. The design also adds a lot of pizzazz to the room."
-- Afif
8. Storage Drawers ($24.99).
"You might get a drawer in your dorm room, but never enough storage to fit all that extra stuff the university gods told you you'd need (sewing kit, first-aid supplies, stapler, scissors, hammer, screwdriver, et cetera).
-- Natalie
9. Star Ottoman ($24.99).
"There are never enough places for people to sit."
-- Rachel
10. Pole Lamp ($19.99).
"It doesn't take up valuable space in your room and allows you to adjust the amount and direction of the light in your room."
-- Natalie