"Big Chuck" Schodowski, the Cleveland TV Icon Behind "Big Chuck and Lil' John," Dies at 90
The host of the sketch comedy show on WJW TV8 show parodied Cleveland life for more than 30 years. By Dillon Stewart
The host of the sketch comedy show on WJW TV8 show parodied Cleveland life for more than 30 years. By Dillon Stewart
The experience went downhill after being purchased by Chicago-based Marshall Field’s. By Vince Guerrieri
A former streetfighter, the mayor knew a thing or two about throwing a punch and taking one. By Vince Guerrieri
Michael D. Roberts, former The Plain Dealer reporter and founding editor of Cleveland Magazine, left a legacy as a trailblazing editor and mentor to a generation of journalists. By Dillon Stewart
The roadway that is part of Interstate 90 today was put in motion by President Eisenhower. By Vince Guerrieri
The new mayor put a new coat of paint on the Allen Theater to serve as a symbolic gesture toward a revived Downtown Cleveland. By Vince Guerierri
The arena, which helped solidify the Cavaliers in Cleveland, was built in Summit County and hosted top-flight acts until it closed in 1994. By Vince Guerrieri
The mission of Lewis Research Center, now NASA Glenn Research Center, was to research and develop rocket fuel and propulsion systems. By Vince Guerrieri
In the '60s and '70s, retail stores began moving to Cleveland's suburbs after the war, but the success hasn't continued. By Vince Guerrieri
The name has changed and the uses have undergone a renaissance as transportation changes have taken place in Cleveland. By Vince Guerrieri
The British bad boys were kings in 1975 — and they remain royalty today as they head into town on June 15. By Vince Guerrieri
School kids got the opportunity to show their support for the troops. By Vince Guerrieri
Of note, that day also was Bob Feller’s first start on Opening Day. By Vince Guerrieri