Best of Cleveland 2014: Geek Trivia
best of cleveland
12:00 AM EST
September 21, 2014
Time for a bit of trivia: Name the Futurama planet that happens to be about 1,000 light-years from Earth and allows its inhabitants from the 31st century to view 21st century TV broadcasts such as Single Female Lawyer and Friends. If you answered Omicron Persei 8, then GeekCLE's free Monday night trivia game at the B Side Liquor Lounge & Arcade is where you need to be. Started by Angela Sellers, Rashad Bell and Heather Tripp, GeekCLE seeks to organize greater geekdom in Northeast Ohio with a lively book club, gaming and comic book meetups, and its booming trivia game. Since starting last November, the trio has written 2,230 questions on magic and wizards to '80s and '90s cartoons, sometimes pairing them with video and audio clues. Prizes have included comic books and tickets to Grog Shop shows. "We're trying to get people who may be interested in stuff in this community but are intimidated by it," says Bell. "We want to give them a safe space to check it out."
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