Every Samfox show starts with a greeting: “We’re Samfox, and we’re your best friends.” The songs written by singers Braxton Taylor and Charity Cunningham are so personal that when they perform, they really feel them. Cunningham is known to cry while singing the angsty “Bloodstained Red,” and when Taylor performs the sex-charged “Hey Mama,” he’ll jump in the audience, Jimi Hendrix-style. “If I’m ever playing that song, I want to be more expressive in my body language,” he says. Since debuting with the six-song EP The Feels in 2016, that emotion has led the six-piece rock-soul band to share bills with local heavyweights Welshly Arms and the Modern Electric. With influences from Marvin Gaye to Amy Winehouse, Samfox pulls off teasing ballads and high-energy rock songs, including the band’s new single “Baby Blues,” which features Cunningham’s husky voice in a sultry Lana Del Rey-esque serenade. “You can rock out to that song forever,” Taylor says. samfoxmusic.com

Best of Cleveland 2017: Indie Band
Samfox, a six-piece rock-soul band, channels Jimi Hendrix, Marvin Gaye and Amy Winehouse with a modern sultry spin.
best of cleveland
12:01 AM EST
October 1, 2017