Be prepared for stares of awe when you order the giant bloody mary from South Side’s Sunday brunch menu. The behemoth beverage, aptly named the Mother Mary, comes in a one-liter beer stein. But what's on top elicits the envious looks. A feast’s worth of food sits atop the drink — a grilled cheese sandwich, hard-boiled egg, candied bacon, mini tacos, a mozzarella moon, a deep-fried jalapeño popper and a kebab skewered with kielbasa and miniature potato pancakes. There’s even a Miller High Life on the side. “It’s the ultimate brunch,” says executive chef Natasha Pogrebinsky. “You don’t have to think [about what to order] at all. It basically comes with a breakfast.” At $25, it’s a good deal, too, given it’s more than double the size of South Side’s other bloody marys. Owner Sherman DeLozier even comes in every Saturday morning to whip up a weekend’s worth of his secret-recipe mix. 2207 W. 11th St., Cleveland, 216-937-2288,
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Best Of Cleveland: Giant Bloody Mary
Only available for Sunday brunch, South Side's Mother Mary is the place to go for hair of the dog (or maybe even beast).
best of cleveland
9:00 AM EST
October 25, 2018