Baby-fat fingers pry open the tin clasp on my Snoopy lunchbox. There on top, wrapped in wax paper, is proof my mother loves me — the Hungarian Delight cookie from Hough Bakeries. The diameter of a pancake, the treat is composed of two crumbly, buttery pecan cookies stuck together with raspberry jam. It gets better: A hole is bored out of the top cookie and filled in with a generous swirl of ganache. Fast forward a couple decades: Though Hough tragically closed in 1992, a former baker there opened his own shop,Archie’s Lakeshore Bakery, just east of Bratenahl. Hungarian Delights can be special ordered. Time to show my love and pick some up for mom. 14906 Lake Shore Blvd., Cleveland; (216) 481-4188
The Best of Cleveland - Historic Cookie
best of cleveland
12:00 AM EST
September 24, 2008