Step aside, Jack Black. Edward Gallagher, director of education at Beck Center, is transforming traditional children’s songs into new rock classics.
Old MacDonald had a farm, but he also has a rock 'n' roll band, a kitchen and more. Children can create their own orchestra by adding tambourines, maracas, triangles and other instruments.
Use homespun items like pots and pans, kitchen utensils and drumming pencils or shaking rice (in a closed container, of course!) to keep the beat, expand rhythm skills or form a parade while playing "The Stars and Stripes Forever. "
Design a neighborhood with "The Itsy Bitsy Spider." Imagine who might live next door. It could be the Great Big Spider, Humming Spider, Running Spider or Teensy-Weensy Spider. The song is ideal for finger play, singing and creativity.
17801 Detroit Ave., Lakewood, 216-521-2540