Ralph A. Dise Jr.
Dise & Co.
Education: Master’s degree in business administration, Bowling Green State University; bachelor’s degree in English, Westminster College
Historic Figure Who Inspires Me: Ulysses S. Grant. He failed time and time again. Yet, he successfully left an important mark on the world.
Most Important Leadership Quality: I’m a careful listener. I’ve disciplined myself to keep my mouth shut even when doing so feels unbearable. I used to give everyone advice. Then I realized most people desperately need to be heard.
If I Could Have Any Other Job: First chair trumpet player of The Cleveland Orchestra
Proudest Moment: The first time Dise & Co. received the Weatherhead 100 Award
What I’d Tell 16-Year-Old Me: Focus all your energy on chemistry class and advanced algebra.
Hobby/Passion: Learning, practicing and playing guitar
If I Could Relive One Moment: The birthday concert I performed for my 60th birthday