Bobby George
Ethos Capital Partners
Education: Experience and great mentors, plus college
What Guides My Decision-Making: I look at three things: financial capital (analyze data); people capital (do I have the right people to lead the project?); and how it makes me feel (does it energize me or drain me?).
Historic Figure Who Inspires Me: Jesus Christ
Favorite Quote: “There is extraordinary cumulative/compounding value to investing consistent amounts of anything in certain activities over long periods.” — Andy Stanley
Most Important Leadership Quality: Loyalty, grit and love
If I Could Have Any Other Job: NFL quarterback or president of the United States
The Advice I’d Give Someone New: Be obsessed. Do the work your competitor is not willing to do.
My Biography Would Be Called: The Benevolent Dictator
What I’d Tell 16-Year-Old Me: Take bigger risks. Think bigger. Treat people better.
Hobby/Passion: Working out and working on personal growth