Jon Pinney
Education: Doctoral degree, Cleveland State University College of Law; bachelor’s degree, John Carroll University
What Guides My Decision-Making: A combination of values, data and goals
Historic Figure Who Inspires Me: John F. Kennedy
Favorite Quote: “Let’s roll.” — Todd Beamer
Most Important Leadership Quality: Adaptability. A good leader should be able to adapt and navigate through challenges.
If I Could Have Any Other Job: Developer
The Advice I’d Give Someone New: Make yourself indispensable by striving to be the hardest worker in the room.
Proudest Moment: The birth of my sons
What I’d Tell 16-Year-Old Me: Read more about history. Understanding the past is the most important way to shape the future.
If I Could Relive One Moment: My wedding day
Who’d Play Me in a Biopic: Bret Baier