Keith Hotchkiss
Education: Bachelor’s degree, Ohio University
What Guides My Decision-Making: I follow the Four Disciplines of Execution, focusing on the wildly important, acting on the leading indicators, creating a cadence of accountability and keeping a compelling scoreboard.
Favorite Quote: “There’s no limit to how much you can achieve, as long as you don’t care who gets the credit.” — Ronald Reagan
If I Could Have Any Other Job: National park ranger or meteorologist
The Advice I’d Give Someone New: Be curious. If you’re curious about the world, the people, the business climate and your social responsibility, you will find answers from learning about others.
My Biography Would Be Called: Thriving in Chaos
What I’d Tell 16-Year-Old Me: Don’t drive so fast through the neighborhood.
If I Could Relive One Moment: My entire four-year college experience was a blast.
Who’d Play Me in a Biopic: Seth Meyers