Kirsten Ellenbogen
Great Lakes Science Center
Education: Doctoral degree in science education
What Guides My Decision-Making: Always balancing a mix of data that drives decision-making with an understanding of how it impacts people
Historic Figure Who Inspires Me: I feel lucky to have so many thoughtful people around me that I can look to day-to-day life to be inspired.
Whom I Would Call for Advice: One of the many benefits of being in a community with many museums is the many peers I have here.
Most Important Leadership Quality: Being a great listener
If I Could Have Any Other Job: I’d still choose the dream job I have now.
The Advice I’d Give Someone New: Cleveland is full of leaders who are willing to share history, make introductions and talk through challenges. Don’t hesitate to ask.
Hobby/Passion: Hiking, reading and listening to whatever music my teenagers are excited about.