Paul Roetzer
Marketing AI Institute
Education: Bachelor’s degree in journalism, Ohio University
What Guides My Decision-Making: Happiness. For me, it’s a mix of time with my family, freedom and flexibility in my schedule, financial stability, sense of purpose, inspiration and the ability to see my team grow, succeed and find happiness of their own.
Favorite Quote: “Those who can imagine anything can create the impossible.” — Alan Turing, mathematician and AI pioneer
If I Could Have Any Other Job: Astrophysicist
The Advice I’d Give Someone New: You get to define what success looks like to you. Don’t ever get discouraged if your definition doesn’t align with people’s opinions who are on the outside looking in.
What I’d Tell 16-Year-Old Me: Embrace failure. Never hesitate to head in a direction that others seem to fear.
Hobby/Passion: Basketball and astronomy
If I Could Relive One Moment: My wedding day