Phyllis Harris
LGBT Community Center of Greater Cleveland
Education: Master’s degree in nonprofit management
First Job: Day care provider
Greatest Inspiration: When I am around people who exhibit and teach leadership skills that lead to helping others
Most Inspiring Person: Mary Brigid, former executive director, who mentored me and many others in our organization
Proudest Moment: When my mom attended an event in which I spoke about my work and after, she reminded me that I was a very shy kid who hid behind her legs and wouldn’t talk.
Most Important Skill: Transformational leadership
What I’d Tell 16-Year-Old Me: “You’re not alone. There are others like you who have your values, and good people will help guide you in being the person you want to be.”
Hobby/Passion: I enjoy learning to play the ukulele.
Bucket List: Travel with my children to a vacation spot annually