Tim Swanson
Bettcher Industries
Education: Master’s degree in operations management and bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, Michigan Technological University
First Job: Product engineer at Whirlpool Corp.
Best Advice: Like life, careers are a journey, not a destination. Take the time to enjoy the journey and expect a couple of detours along the way.
Most Important Skill: Influence ― the ability to persuade and motivate others is the most important skill anyone can possess. It works in both personal and business situations.
What I’d Tell 16-Year-Old Me: “Embrace the twists and turns that life will bring you. It’s nearly impossible to predict every step of your plan anyway and that’s OK. What you can’t predict or script will be more rewarding and enjoyable if you vigorously embrace the situations in which you find yourself.”
Bucket List: I want to attend a Winter Olympics.