Q: How can athletics be an important learning environment for students?
A: “We value what is learned in the moments of athletics just as much as we do with what’s going on in the academic classroom,” says Julie Kerrigan Ettorre, director of athletics and physical education at Hathaway Brown School. “Through their process in athletics, each kid is learning a lot about themselves. [Athletic competition] gets you this instant feedback: This is where I am today, and this is where I want to get tomorrow. Learning how you can set goals, reach those goals and set new goals are all part of the lifestyle skills that these kids need as 21st-century learners. We really value what they take out of athletics — the grit, the resilience, the ability to bounce back from maybe a challenging moment. Owning the feedback that was given from a game in order to improve are all skills that our kids can use as they approach college.”