You cgi called from form tag Please include a usage example. If the SMTP server is configured to work with IIS, I do not need documentation lease include a usage /examples. (Tom indicated that the developer working on this has been Per our phone call, can you cgi called from form tag Please please:
1. Have the login / login verification process documented and sent to me.Please include a usage example. (Tom indicated that the developer working on this has been out sick. We hope to have this completed Tuesday afternoon).
2. Have your preferred email process (emailing from IIS) documented and sent to me. You may want to ask your server people if IIS has the UNIX SMTP
>server specified. (I have included documentation, below). If the SMTP server is configured to work with IIS, I do not need documentation/examples.
3. Send me an example of how you are using I have the documentation from Paul Haller, but as I explained in my last request, there are several ways to use depending on the setup at CM&D. I need to know which of the available methods you are using.
4. If you are waiting for anything from me, please let me know. Thanks again. Steps to Configure your Internet Information Server (IIS). In order to send mail from your IIS server via your SMTP server (assuming that they are different computers), complete the following steps:
On your IIS computer, open the Microsoft Management Console (MMC). In the left pane, expand the "Internet Information Server" section.In the left pane, select and expand your IIS server.
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