Lidia Trempe doesn’t remember a day when she wasn’t standing next to her grandmother carefully pinching shut pockets filled with potato and cheese. “My grandma would always say ‘Lidia, no holes, there cannot be any holes or they’ll all boil open, and you can’t have any of that,’ ” Trempe says. “She would check them with one little eye, but never judging me.” She still heeds that advice to this day at Rudy’s Strudel and Bakery, where Trempe rolls out three batches of dough each day using the recipe her grandmother brought over from Poland. She cuts out the delicate dough to create pierogies such as the Big Chuck, stuffed with kielbasa and sauerkraut. “It’s a labor of love, and I don’t think you could do it unless you really loved it,” Trempe says. “If it’s not the real deal, what’s the point?” 5580 Ridge Road, Parma, 440-886-4430,

Roll Call: Lidia Trempe Still Uses Her Grandmother's Pierogi Recipe
This labor of love is done each morning at Rudy's Strudel and Bakery.
food & drink
7:00 AM EST
April 3, 2018