Warm Up
Start by warming the muscles to be used. Jog easily for two to three minutes along the bike path. Once muscles are warm, stretch legs, torso, and arms and shoulders as described below. Hold each stretch 8 to10 seconds. This warm up and stretch should take five to 10 minutes.
Legs: Stretch one leg forward, bending the knee on the opposite leg about 45 degrees. Bend your torso down about 90 degrees toward your outstretched leg to stretch the hamstring muscle. Keep your back straight; do not round the upper part of your spine. Try to keep your head up and above your heart. Flex your foot on the stretched leg and try to grab your foot, flexing it up further for a deeper stretch of your calf muscle. Let go of your foot and allow your toes to touch the ground to stretch your shin. Shift your weight to stand on the leg stretched in front of you, bend the knee of the opposite leg towards your buttocks and hold your foot with your hand to stretch your quadriceps. Gently push your foot down against your hand for an extra stretch. If you need to, place the opposite arm overhead or on a wall for balance. Switch legs and repeat.
Torso: Bending your knees slightly and keeping your back straight and abdominal muscles contracted, bend over to one side and stretch your torso. Your weight should be evenly distributed on both feet and you should be bending directly over the hip; do not lean forward or backward. Extend the opposite arm up and reach to the side to which you are bending. Switch sides.
Arms/shoulders: From the torso stretch, come back to center so your weight is evenly distributed over your feet, back straight and abdominal muscles contracted. Extend one arm over head and bend it all the way so that your hand touches your back. Place your hand of the opposite arm on the top of your elbow. Gently apply pressure to push your elbow back to stretch your triceps. Release and extend that arm in front and across your body. Do not shrug your shoulders; be sure that your rotator cuff (where your arm joins your shoulder) is in its natural position. Apply gentle pressure to your elbow with the hand of your opposite arm. When stretching, do not lock your elbow. Repeat these stretches on your opposite arm.
Next, reach both arms back behind your body and interlock your fingers. Your elbows should be facing away from your torso. Raise your arms as high as you can comfortably to stretch the front part of your rotator cuff (anterior deltoid), chest and bicep muscle. Release your arms and roll your shoulders from front to back five times and then from back to front five times.
Finally, for an extra stretch for your bicep muscle, stand next to a wall with the corner of the wall behind you. Reach back and grab the corner with your hand and shift your weight forward, turning your hips slightly away from the wall. Repeat this stretch with the other arm.
The Workout
Now that you are warmed up and stretched you are ready to begin the workout. Be sure to check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program. Also, stop periodically to assess how you are feeling and to rehydrate your body with small amounts of water at a time. If you begin to feel dizzy, light headed or strained, stop the workout or slow down. This workout should take about 30 to 40 minutes, not including the warm up and cool down, and depending on your level of fitness.
1.Step Runs
Run down the steps, gently holding onto the railing if necessary. Then run over to the other set of steps and run up those. Run at the top along the bike path to the first set of steps and repeat.
On the third set, on the way down, stop at the landing and do walking lunges to the other set of steps. Run up those steps and then along the bike path to the first set of steps. Perform two sets of this run/lunging maneuver.
2. Shuttle Runs
Run down the steps to the beach. You will see that there are break walls every 20 or 30 feet. Beginning at one break wall, perform 20 jumping jacks. Then find a flat surface on the break wall and do 20 dips. Then run or jog down to the other break wall and perform 20 jumping jacks and 20 dips. Perform two total sets (one set is down and back). To perform dips correctly, place your hands on the edge behind you with palms against the flat surface, tops of fingers facing your body. Extend your legs out in front of you. Bend your arms, lowering your body towards the ground. Without shrugging your shoulders, use your triceps (located on the backside of the upper part of your arm) to push your body back up so that your arms are nearly straight. Do not lock your elbows. For increased intensity, place one foot on top of the other or one ankle across the opposite knee so that only one leg is helping to support your weight.
3. Leg Lifts
Stand at the bottom of the stairs and place the foot of the leg closest to the railing squarely on a step so that your knee is as close to a 90 degree angle as possible. Lightly holding on to the railing for balance only, shift your weight to the leg with the bent knee to a standing position (knee slightly "soft" and not locked) and pull the opposite knee up in the air to a 90 degree angle. Return to the starting position. Repeat 15 times on each leg for three sets, switching sides after each set to rest the leg. Then repeat 15 times on each leg for three sets but instead of pulling the leg up to a bent knee, extend the leg straight out to the side as high as comfortable without leaning or moving your center of gravity (the placement of your torso). Return to standing position. Keeping your leg straight, extend it gently behind you, contracting your gluts. Repeat 15 times for a set of three on each.
4. Football Runs
In a stationary position, run up and down on one step as fast as you can for one minute.
5. Push Ups
Standing on firm sand on the beach, bend your knees and place your hands on the sand next to your feet. Jump your legs out and behind you to assume a push up position. Perform one push up by bending your elbows and bringing your torso as close to the sand as possible and then coming up to the point where your arms are almost straight (do not lock your elbows). Jump your feet back in between your hands and stand straight up. Repeat. Perform one set of 10. On the last repetition, do as many push ups as you can. (For increased intensity, when you stand up after performing the move, jump in the air vertically one time.)
6. Abdominals
Bring a small towel with you. Spread the towel out on semi-firm flat sand. Lie down with your hands behind your head for support only and knees bent with feet flat on the sand. Contract your abdominal muscles to lift your shoulders off the ground as far as you can. Reach your chin towards the sky, rather than into your chest. Then return to the starting position. Repeat 20 times. (For increased intensity, as you contract your abdominals and lift your shoulders off the sand, pull your knees into your chest.)
Next bring your feet straight up so that your toes are reaching toward the sky and your body is at roughly a 90 degree angle. Do not lock your knees. Contract your abdominals bringing your shoulders off the ground as you lift your hips off the sand and feet straight up toward the sky. Perform a total of 20 repetitions. (If this move puts strain on your lower back, place your hands underneath your hips and just lift the hips off the sand.)
Next place your feet back on the sand. Place one hand behind your head and extend the other arm straight out to the side. Place on your knee the ankle of the leg that is on the same side of your body as your extended arm. Contract your abdominals, lift your shoulder off the sand and try to touch your bent elbow to the opposite knee. Perform a total of 20 repetitions and then change sides.
Finally, stand up, place your feet about shoulder width apart and bend your knees slightly. Keep your abdominals contracted and your back straight. Place your hands behind your head, elbows bent and to the side. Bend over to the side, directly over your hip, and try to touch your elbow to your hip. Come back to center and repeat to the other side. Perform a total of 10 repetitions (one bend to each side equals one repetition).
Cool Down Stretch
Repeat the stretches noted above for the warm up. After you are finished take a deep breath and be sure to drink plenty of water.