Maclin, who lives with his grandmother during the week and his mother on weekends, attends the Cleveland Metropolitan School District's Kenneth W. Clement Boys' Leadership Academy in South Collinwood. The sixth-grader is a member of the school's leadership club and likes playing the drums, roller- and ice-skating, swimming and playing basketball. He's also a huge fan of Mortal Kombat.
I like math, reading and science. On certain days,' they can have us learn in interesting ways like science experiments or math games or we could read books and tell our friends about it.
Living with grandma is sometimes like home school. She used to be a teacher — she would teach social studies. Now she's teaching new social studies teachers on how to be a good teacher.
I want to live with my dad, and I promised him I would after I get through eighth-grade. He was born in Jamaica and raised there, but he lives in Canada. I see him whenever we're on holiday breaks or if it's my birthday. He has a trucking business, but I want to have a different job than my father does. I really haven't thought about [what kind], maybe like a businessman or trying to be an entrepreneur like my father.