When you hear the word touchpoint, you think doorknobs and handles. But our tech devices get attention 24/7.“We learned that the COVID germ was pretty bad in the fact that it could hang around on things like plastic and aluminum,” says David Brill, owner of Brilliant Cleaning in Lyndhurst. “It’s important in your homes to clean those high touch areas.” Brill walks us through simple ways to clean three everyday devices.
For the body of your phone, Brill says a disinfecting wipe like Clorox or Lysol is the best to use on your device daily. Wipe down with soap if needed, but be conscious of how much water you’re using. “Cell phones and water do not mix well at all, so you want to go about doing it carefully,” Brill says.
TV Remote
The television is a central hub for a family, so the remote becomes one for bacteria. Brill suggests starting with an air spray and then wiping down the rest. “TV remotes are a good example of not wiping off the lettering,” Brill says, suggesting a Clorox wipe as a sound option. If it still feels gunky, use a towel with light soap and water to get under the buttons.
We’re often not looking down at our computer keyboard, but the crevices in between the keys quickly become a hot spot for gunk and grime. Try using a small wipe, Q-tip or another low-moisture solution to tackle this everyday device. “Use a can of air to blow out all your crumbs and everything that can get underneath there,” Brill says.

How To Safely Clean Your Everyday Electronics
David Brill from Brilliant Cleaning shares tips on how common devices can be safely sanitized from germs and gunk.
at home
4:00 PM EST
March 26, 2021