63.4% said walkable neighborhoods were “extremely important”
48% said locally owned retail shopping was “important”
42.6% said a community’s historic charm was “important”
35.8% said having a recreation center in their community was “important”
30.9% said access to public transit was “important”
27.5% said it “doesn’t matter” if there is big-box shopping within three miles of home.
18.6% said large lots were “extremely unimportant”
10.8% said living in a Lake Erie shore community was “extremely important”
6.4% said a rural feel was “extremely important”
3.4% said having access to interstates was “extremely unimportant”
Demographically speaking …
38.2% said their morning commute takes 15 to 30 minutes
47.1% live on the East Side
31.4% live on the West Side
Check back June 1 to see the full Rating the Suburbs online component. For the full rankings, pick up a copy of Cleveland Magazine at your nearest newsstand.