“Pretty much everywhere in here is usually full of plants,” says owner Elio Calabrese, who had been in the interior plant business for five years before opening this space in 2019. While he gets upwards of 15 different plants almost every week, Calabrese’s big advantage over big-box stores is his knowledge of what plants will thrive in certain situations.
For example, schefflera or umbrella trees, are large and leafy options that are easy to grow when placed near light. “Plants are really not as hard as people think they are,” Calabrese says. “You just keep getting the wrong plants for the wrong space. It’s fun for me finding people the right plant and helping them to enjoy it.”

An Item We Love: Sansevierias ($10-$120) come in multiple varieties and shapes, such as the leafy black coral or the twisted cylindrica braid, and are a cinch to take care of.
10908 Clifton Blvd., Cleveland, 440-476-7194, urbanplantingcleveland.com
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