Herd tactics ‡ Goats divide and conquer larger areas such as the former RTA test track in Kingsbury Loop, which has 10 acres of grazable land. It will take at least 15 to 20 goats three years to get it to a manageable height. Mouth off ‡ Goats will eat anything — from high grass and shrubbery to branches and bark. "They'll usually go for trees first, and then start at the tops of high grasses," says Solomon. Land rovers ‡ Goats can climb small trees and bound over rocks and rough terrain thanks to harder soles. "They can handle the harder terrain a little bit better without injury," says Solomon.
Herd tactics ‡ Sheep stick together. So a group of six to 10 can keep small areas, such as a West Park bus-training course, clear. "They're almost like lemmings to an extent," says Solomon. Mouth off ‡ With only a bottom row of six to eight teeth, sheep graze on small grasses, flowers and soft weeds, making them ideal for upkeep. "You don't want them to have too much grass because they will just keep eating," Solomon says. Land rovers ‡ Sheep have sensitive feet and are more acclimated to hillsides or plains — or vacant lots like the one on Euclid Avenue and East 55th Street by Pierre's Ice Cream.