100.7 WMMS is one of the few spots on the dial headbangers have left. Mixing the classics of AC/DC and Zeppelin with the modern sounds of Pearl Jam or Disturbed, the station just rocks a little harder than what you can find on college indie or classic rock radio. But that shouldn’t be much of a surprise. In its ‘60s and ‘70s heyday, the station’s DJ Kid Leo helped launch the careers of Rush and David Bowie and the genres of prog and album rock. Now, let’s be honest, all that’s really left of those days is a buzzard-on-a-mushroom T-shirt on some lucky hipsters and hoarders. But every time you break through the static and Cleveland’s Rock Station is playing “Highway To Hell,” it’s a friendly reminder that Cleveland still rocks. wmms.iheart.com

Must Do CLE: An Ode To WMMS
Why we can't stop listening to the rock 'n' roll radio station.
things to do
8:00 AM EST
April 1, 2020