Why She’s Interesting: Values of self-care have always been an integral part of DiFranco’s life. She founded Free Period Press in 2013 as a beautiful, guided way for people to feel more grounded and organized. She started out with adult coloring books and created the ever-popular Cleveland Metroparks Mini-Guide and a collage kit to help infuse positivity into everyday life.
Welcoming Atmosphere: Though she isn’t a designer, DiFranco teamed up with Ohio-based illustrators such as Katie Daugherty and Amber Esner to create a friendly and fun look for Free Period’s products. She originally created the company as a solution to her own disorganization and self-care needs. “It was kind of this gradual thing that I realized that I was starting a publishing company. But really, it was just that I wanted to make these cool things for myself and for my friends.”
Kid Stuff: Growing up, DiFranco visited her grandparents in a small Italian village in the Molise region every few summers, where she would spend time cooking, reading and exploring the countryside with her cousins. “I didn’t speak the language and just roaming around, [I had] a lot of free time to come up with ideas.”
Jot It Down: In her own life, DiFranco uses journaling as way to work through problems that rattle around in her head. The best piece of advice she’s ever been given was to learn how to listen to her gut. “You can make as many lists as you want, and pros and cons lists, but if you just stop and check in with your guidance, say, like, ‘Does this feel right?,’ or ‘Does it feel wrong?’ I think that is super-important, and something that we don’t do enough.”
Guide Book: The favorite thing she’s ever created is the Cleveland Metroparks Mini-Guide because she yearns for getting outside for low-stress adventure. “I grew up close to the North Chagrin Reservation, so Squire’s Castle will always have a special place in my heart."
Interesting Fact: The only sports team DiFranco keeps up with is the U.S. women’s national soccer team.
Click here to meet the 30 Most Interesting People of 2021.

Most Interesting People 2021: Lora DiFranco
The founder of Free Period Press has been dedicated to creating products devoted to self-care.
7:00 AM EST
January 4, 2021