Cleveland’s newest city councilman isn’t quite sure where to find the office coffee. But give him time. Kerry McCormack, confirmed to Joe Cimperman’s former seat with a unanimous April 4 vote, represents Ward 3 — Ohio City, Tremont, downtown and parts of Clark-Fulton. Impressive, considering he’s still two years shy of 30. We sit down with the Collinwood native for an entrance interview.
Learning Curve: After the campaign, McCormack departed for Spain. Living in Madrid and the village of Cubas de la Sagra for two years, he taught English to classrooms full of first- and second-graders — and picked up Spanish in the process. “Teaching is the hardest job you’ll ever have, no question,” he says. “It’s one of those jobs where everyone should teach for a year just to understand how rewarding it is and how tough it is too.”
Play Ball: During three years as director of community affairs for Ohio City Inc., McCormack spearheaded the Near West Recreation League, which offers sports and creative-writing classes to roughly 1,000 kids. Now, he’d like to support similar programs. “From public housing to an $800,000 home to English-as-a-second-language folks, you’re bringing them together,” he says. “For Ohio City, Tremont and downtown to be successful, those folks have to be getting to know each other and building trust.”
No Labels: At 28, McCormack is the youngest member of City Council and its only millennial. “Some people try to really play up the millennial thing, to which I’m kind of like, OK,” he says. “I’m just as concerned with our senior citizens who need housing assistance as I am with a local brewery opening. I’m thrilled that the brewery’s opening, but our resident on Bailey Avenue in Ohio City that needs heating assistance — that is top of my mind.”