"When we completed the master plan three years ago, one thing that came out of that process was improving the city center area,” says Mayor Ron Van Kirk. “Now that the new city hall/police station building is finished, we’re working on a road diet for Memphis Avenue to improve vehicular and pedestrian safety.”
The highlight of the new city center is the police station. Police Chief Scott Mielke explains that the new station was designed to utilize today’s technology. “The station is built with computers and connectivity in mind, the officers have access to quality Wi-Fi and all the technology infrastructure is integrated into the buildings. There’s room to accommodate the public for specific functions that we didn’t have in the previous space. We have more room for processing evidence and securing DNA evidence. The huge garage can accommodate all our marked cars, which will save money by protecting them from the elements.”
Plus, Brooklyn is seeing changes to its parks, says Jack Abbruzzese, parks and recreation commissioner.
“Residents will see improvements at Veterans Memorial Park,” says Abbruzzese. “Connectivity will be improved by installing additional walking paths and enhanced greenspace areas throughout the upper and lower portions of the park. New lighting and security cameras will be added soon.”
Additionally, the Cuyahoga County Library is building the new Brooklyn branch as part of the city center. The 25,000 square foot library will offer an Innovation Center makerspace and a Pearson Vue testing center amongst its several amenities.