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VeloSano: A critical step to transform inspiring ideas into lifesaving patient care.

1OO% of VeloSano donations directly support cancer research at Cleveland Clinic.

Latin for “swift cure”, VeloSano is a year-round, community-driven fundraising initiative with the mission to advance lifesaving cancer research at Cleveland Clinic.

VeloSano’s main fundraising event – Bike to Cure – attracts cyclists and participants from around the world. Since the inaugural ride in 2014, nearly $24 million has been raised, with 1OO% of those funds directly supporting 170 Cleveland Clinic cancer research projects. 

“Dollars raised through VeloSano are used to create Pilot Awards, which fuel the very best ideas arising in cancer research but still need to be proven out,” says Dale Shepard, MD, Medical Director, VeloSano. “When enough work is done to show progress and promise, these projects are then able to attract vital national funding to get them to the finish line.” That’s how VeloSano has been able to turn $24 million in donations into an additional $22 million in research funding.

Funds raised through VeloSano are also allocated to Impact Awards. These address strategic priorities to advance Cleveland Clinic cancer program’s investigational research abilities. Whether a piece of equipment, advanced technology, recruitment or laboratory expenses, these awards ensure caregivers and patients have access to the best talent and technology available.

There are many ways to get involved in VeloSano. Ride or volunteer during Bike to Cure, fundraise on your own or donate at any time. You can also do any activity as a virtual participant - run, walk, swim, row…any activity that is all yours, anytime to help raise dollars to support VeloSano. To learn more and get involved, visit

VeloSano By The Numbers


Over 15,000

More than 6,000

Over 150,000

Over $24M

1OO% supporting
more than 170
cancer research projects