A commitment to service is a distinctive characteristic of Jesuit-educated individuals. We call it becoming “men and women for and with others.” Indeed, nearly 10% or 52 current members of the 114th Congress graduated from Jesuit institutions of higher education. At John Carroll University in University Heights, Ohio, our mission is to inspire individuals to excel in learning, leadership, and service in the region and in the world. John Carroll is recognized nationally for an exceptional four-year graduation rate, teaching excellence, and a commitment to living a faith that does justice as central to its mission. www.jcu.edu

Ashley Bastock recently completed the NBC/John Carroll University Meet The Press Fellowship and is now a production assistant for the legendary Sunday morning public affairs show. The Fellowship is an opportunity exclusive to JCU students in honor of the memory of 1972 alumnus Tim Russert.

JCU students volunteer for local and global community projects, including neighborhood beautification efforts in Greater Cleveland. The John Carroll mission is to educate students for leadership and service in the world.
U.S. News & World Report ranks John Carroll University among the nation’s Top 25 colleges and universities for service-learning programs. Service to others is part of our DNA at John Carroll, where more than two-thirds of our students participate in service activities in Cleveland and around the world. Last year, nearly 2,000 JCU students performed more than 115,000 hours of community service. Also, John Carroll is one of 5 universities to receive the 2015 New York Life Higher Education Civic Engagement Award from The Washington Center. Recipients were selected based upon their leadership and innovation in civic engagement. www.jcu.edu