14783 Pearl Road, Strongsville
440-238-1300, dentiststrongsville.com
SPECIALTY / General Dentistry
SPECIAL INTERESTS / Laser dentistry, sleep apnea/snoring dentistry,cosmetic dentistry, IV sedation pain-free dental options, Lumineers,Whitening for Life, Botox and aesthetic laser treatments
WHAT SETS HIM APART / Strongsville Dental & Laser Aesthetics is modernin its technology with a full complement of state-of-the-art equipment thatoffers more precision and less invasive treatments. The highly trained andexperienced staff puts patients at ease and, undoubtedly, the office’s twotherapy dogs, Laser and Mercury, offer the most unique warmth and stressfreedental experience.
EDUCATION / Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, Class of1994; Lumineer Certification, 2007; IV Sedation Residency, DuquesneUniversity, Mylan School of Pharmacy, 2012; Dental Sleep MedicineResidency, Tufts University, 2015; Botox Training for Health CareProfessionals, American Academy of Facial Esthetics, 2018
TECHNOLOGIES / Fotona’s LightWalker laser technology and twotherapy dog team members
PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS / American Dental Association, OhioDental Association, Greater Cleveland Dental Society, AmericanAcademy of Facial Esthetics and the Dental Organization of ConsciousSedation, Bright & Beautiful Therapy Dogs
COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT / Strongsville Dental & Laser Aestheticssponsors local youth sports teams, Providence House and variousChristian charities.MOST GRATIFYING PART OF HIS WORK / Seeing a patient transition froma place of pain or deflated self-esteem — all conditions resulting fromcompromised oral health or aesthetics that we address daily — to oneof healing, wellness and confidence.
MISSION STATEMENT / “The Level of Advanced Care You Deserve”

Chris Bill Theodorou, DMD
12:00 AM EST
September 30, 2019