Bob DiBiasio, Lakewood native and Cleveland Indians senior vice president of public affairs, is the headliner for the Cleveland Stories Dinner Party March 27 at the Music Box Supper Club. With 40 years of public relations experience, he’ll highlight historic moments and talk about the Tribe’s future. We talked to DiBiasio about why it’s important to Rally Together as a community.
People who are Cleveland Indians baseball fans have become so because of their grandma or grandpa, their aunt or uncle, their mom or dad, which is passed down. That’s the tradition — the beauty — that we’re all about. When we open up this year, it will be our 119th opening day as a member of the American League. That tradition, the connecting of generations — Rally Together speaks to that. It’s all about the community. While we understand that winning a World Series is the primary objective, we are about more than wins and losses. We’re about families coming together. We’re about connecting generations. This is a comfort zone. — as told to Joscelyn Ervin

Bob DiBiasio Wants Us To Rally Together
things to do
8:00 AM EST
March 25, 2019