Ahoy, mates! You might think you know the ropes of summer boat shows, but you’ve only gotten your feet wet.
The Festival of Sail cruises into Sandusky’s Jackson Street Pier July 12-15 with eight ships for landlubbers to explore.
Step aboard the U.S. Brig Niagara, a reconstruction of the 198-foot-long and 118-foot-high vessel that sailed the Great Lakes during the Battle of Lake Erie in 1813.
Those who don’t have their sea legs can stay on solid ground and bask in the shadows of the world’s largest rubber duck, which weighs in at 11 tons and towers over the water at 62 feet high.
“You can actually go on these historic ships and talk to the crews,” says public relations director Ryan Whaley. “That’s what makes it so cool. You’re learning the history while being able to actually walk around and see everything.”
233 E. Shoreline Drive, Sandusky, 888-718-4253, festofsailsandusky.com

Climb Aboard Giant Ships At The Festival Of Sail
Land lovers can hand out with the world's largest rubber duck.
summer fun guide
1:00 PM EST
June 21, 2018