Don’t fight for a spot to lay your blanket in the grass to watch the city of Cleveland’s Fourth of July fireworks show. Rather, indulge in a glass of wine and soak in the colorful spectacle from the decks of cruise ships Goodtime III or the Nautica Queen. With the fireworks being launched from the mouth of the Cuyahoga River, the Nautica Queen cruises near the Cleveland Port Authority, while the Goodtime stops right under the show for an exclusive and memorable view. “The crowd loves being able to see the city for the first time from the water or to be up close and personal with the fireworks,” says Nautica Queen Capt. Jim Dale. Make the night even more magical with recorded music choreographed to the fireworks and a full buffet on the Natuica or with blues, country or rock music spun by DJs on the Goodtime. The Nautica Queen, 1153 Main Ave., Cleveland, 216-696-8888,; Goodtime III, 825 E. Ninth St., Cleveland, 216-861-5110,

Cruise Along The Coast
Experience Fourth of July from Cleveland's cruise ships.
summer fun guide
12:00 AM EST
June 1, 2016