Adventure isn't always budget-friendly, but the Cleveland Outpost can gear you up for less. Co-founders Josh Scott and Hannah Kelling stock gently used outdoor gear and clothing wit the goal to increase participation in adventure sports by bringing dow the cost of often-pricey, higher-quality suppliers. Here are three things to know about the shop.
What’s Old is New Again
Have a pair of hiking boots that just didn’t fit? The Outpost works on a buy/sell/ trade model, so you can donate outdoor gear, trade it in for store credit, sell on consignment or even have the proceeds donated to the Buckeye Trail Association. The hope is for shoppers to opt for the sustainable route of reusing quality gear. “I would rather get good gear that will last hundreds of adventures into people’s hands,” says Scott.
Expert Level
Instead of salespeople, the store is completely staffed by outdoor sports experts. “We have a paddleboard guide, a kayak guide, and I’m a backpacking guide,” says Scott. “Our expertise in these areas lends itself to teaching and instruction.” To that end, Scott intends to hold future paddling and backpacking clinics for novices hoping to try out new activities.
Community Spirit
The Outpost is more than just a gear shop. One of Scott’s goals is to build a community of outdoorsy folks who are welcome to come and hang out without shopping. Couches and TVs will be set up to encourage conversation, so people can get the scoop on skills, such as how to pack for a trip to Allegheny National Forest, from other visitors. “Community is what the outdoors is,” says Scott. “It’s always best enjoyed with other people.”
When You Go: Cleveland Outpost 1328 Linda St., Rocky River,

Camping Cleveland: Cleveland Outpost Saves You Money
Budget-conscious adventurers can find gently used secondhand outdoor goodies here.
8:00 AM EST
June 29, 2020