Q: The students trade their iPods for surveying equipment and a printing press. How quickly do they adjust?
A: They think it's the coolest thing to launch pumpkins with the catapult and they love to do military drills with mock muskets. We have them write letters home and eat plain oatmeal and beans. I want these kids to see it, taste it and touch it.
Q: What kind of interest has this created from elementary schools in the area?
A: Our first year we had about 400 students come in for one day. Last year we had 750 students over a day and a half. This year we'll have about 950 and we'll hold it over two days. This is perfect for schools that are hard-pressed to take field trips.
Q: How does the event benefit the Hoban students involved?
A: It's very fulfilling for me to see our seniors as group leaders. It reminds me of George Washington's roles of leadership and self-sacrifice. Getting the kids an authentic, hands-on experience is the most important thing.