If one thing's for sure, it's that Northeast Ohioans love Girl Scout cookies.
According to data shared by Girl Scouts of North East Ohio, last year 2,192,161 packages of cookies sold across the region. GSNEO overlooks most counties in Northern and Eastern Ohio — spanning Sandusky to Ashtabula Counties and as far south as Tuscarawas County.
A whopping 12,676 Girl Scouts sold those cookies, and the top seller sold 3,081 packages in the year. That's a lot of cookies.
RELATED: Cleveland Heights Girl Scout Receives Award For Saving Friend
“The Girl Scout Cookie Program is not simply about selling cookies. It’s a program that creates opportunities for Girl Scouts to learn, grow and thrive,” says Jane Christyson, CEO of GSNEO, in a news release. “From learning how to interact with customers to creating budgets and taking orders, participating in the Girl Scout Cookie Program teaches Girl Scouts invaluable skills that they’ll need to succeed throughout their lives. Troops work together to set their cookie selling goals, and use the proceeds towards programs and experiences for their troops.”
Wondering which cookies stood out on top? Here are the top five of 2024:
1. Thin Mints (520,348 packages sold)
2. Samoas (361,093 packages sold)
3. Tagalongs (336,114 packages sold)
4. Do-Si-Dos (236,966 packages sold)
5. Adventurefuls (170,672 packages sold)
By the way: It's Girl Scout cookie season again. If you're looking to get your hands on some Thin Mints or Samoas, you can reach out to a registered Girl Scout, or go to GSNEO's website starting on Feb. 17 to order online.
RELATED: In 1960, Girl Scouts Celebrate at Muni Stadium
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