Brandon Chrostowski -- in partnership with Cleveland Capuchin Ministries – opens the doors of his latest restaurant tonight, this one in the heart of Playhouse Square. The chef, and founder of The EDWINS Restaurant & Leadership Institute, describes The Friars’ Table as a restaurant with a mission, one rooted in the values of “simplicity, dignity and community.”
“The goal of the restaurant is to give the city not only a great restaurant, but hope,” Chrostowski says. “We want to create a beautiful space where people can come together over good food, and leave feeling inspired and uplifted.”
While located Downtown, The Friars’ Table is unique among its brethren in the full-service restaurant scene, says the owner.

"I think this redefines what downtown dining is," says Chrostowski. "Number one, it’s priced affordably, so you’ll be able to get out of here for less than $45 per person. It's an atmosphere where food and service come first. The décor is beautiful, no doubt, but there’s no pretense."

Located in the former Cowell & Hubbard space, the Friars’ Table is designed to mesh with the Capuchin values of simplicity and community. Simple fare, warm hospitality and a spirit of community are the restaurant's signature attributes. Those aims are bolstered by a seasonal menu of soups, salads and starters that include pea soup, cabbage and potato salad, caramelized turnips, mushroom tarts, and eggplant and artichoke croquette. Entrees include cod with tomato chutney, pork roulade, and salmon St. Celestine, prepared with leeks, mushrooms and sorrel.
"It’s monastic cuisine, so we’re celebrating the simple flavors and techniques of the monks and friars. We combine that with some Middle Eastern spices, Eastern European flair and French technique."
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