Every Lenten season, Northeast Ohio’s dining scene explodes with fish fries.
The local delicacy is one of the most beloved traditions of the year, and it’s ubiquitous to the region, often taking over both the most popular restaurants in town along with local church basements and Veterans of Foreign Wars halls.
It’s not just breaded perch and walleye that you’ll find served up at these dinners. Many meals come paired with a cup of coleslaw, mac ‘n’ cheese, fries or green beans. If you’re lucky, you might also indulge in some homemade pierogies or a cookie table.
This year, expect the fish to start frying on Friday, March 7 and continue through Easter, on Sunday, April 20.
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We’ve gathered information on some of the biggest fish fry events in town, combining both community-driven dinners, along with restaurants hosting specials, and everything in between. Plus, we’ve got an interactive map that makes it even easier for you to choose a dinner option close to your home.
While some organizations host one-off fish fry dinners, others run through the entirety of Lent. (And if you miss your chance, there are even some spots that host fish frys all year long.)
We’ll be updating the guide as fish fry season continues, so if you don’t see a local fish fry event, be sure to submit details about it so we can consider it.
What are you waiting for? Explore our map here.
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