Melting away belly fat for trim, defined abs isn’t just about one or two exercise moves and superfoods. It takes a well-rounded balance of good habits to work your way to a flat stomach. Kristin Kirkpatrick, the Cleveland Clinic’s wellness manager and a registered dietician, offers her all-day suggestions of how to tone your tummy from morning until night.
Work out at sunrise: Hold yourself to your exercise goals by setting your alarm clock for an earlier hour. “A lot of people are able to stick with workouts if they get up early in the morning instead of waiting until after work,” says Kirkpatrick. “Doing it before you eat, or even having half of an energy bar, seems to work.”
Plan your pre-workout meals: If you’re preparing for an average workout, like a 5K run, avoid eating foods that are hard to digest, such as ones with higher fat content. “You’re dealing with trying to get blood to both your muscles and digestive system,” Kirkpatrick explains. “Go for a more complex carbohydrate, like oatmeal or a simple protein, like a homemade shake.”
Wake up with protein: Begin your day by fueling up on whole-grain toast with peanut butter or eggs. Steer clear of processed meats such as sausage and bacon. “Include protein at every meal,” says Kirkpatrick. “But studies show that including protein at breakfast helps offset cravings later in the day and helps with weight management and loss.”
Throw the idea of portion control out the window: Limiting your food to certain portions doesn’t really work. “You need to look more to hunger and listen to your body’s signals,” says Kirkpatrick. “Eat until you’re no longer hungry and not until you’re full. In the span of any given day, if you ever feel fullness, it means you’ve over-fueled. When you overeat, it typically means whatever gets stored might get stored as fat, and depending on body type, it may end up getting stored in your gut.”
Avoid foods in the evening that might cause bloating or dehydration: You’ve heard that you shouldn’t be late-night snacking, but certain foods can have especially unsavory aftereffects. “Having three glasses of wine in the evening isn’t going to do great for a flat belly the next day,” Kirkpatrick says. “Even though some grains are extremely healthy, they can still cause some bloating. You might not want a lot of beans and lentils because they could cause gas.”