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Food + Drink
Bavarian Dream
Hofbrauhaus Cleveland brings a festive vibe to the Theater District.
Beer Cheer
All we want for Christmas is one of these growlers filled with our favorite local holiday brews
Dish Deconstructed: Roasted Bell & Evans Chicken Breast
While LockKeepers' roasted chicken entree ($24) may seem like a humble dish, it's actually a study in achieving complex flavors with few ingredients, says executive chef Alberto Leandri. "I love the flavor and the color and the simplicity of the dish," sa
Show Time
Tableside service makes an artistic comeback at local restaurants.
The Ingredients: Easy Bake Lovin'
Add some sugar and spice to your holidays with these inventive cookie recipes from local bakers.
In the CLE
About Town: Built to Last
Not all landmarks are created equal. Here are three we love for different reasons.
About Town: Burning Questions
We seek out the answers to your most perplexing conundrums.
About Town: How is our economy doing?
Cleveland is slowly surfacing from the murky depths of the recession. But how has the signal buoys of the economy — the Fortune 1000 companies headquartered here — fared on these stormy seas? We chronicle how several of Northeast Ohio's largest compani
About Town: Monumental Tales
So you've spotted The Thinker staring off into space or pondered our 16th president as he delivers a speech by the Board of Education building. But do you know the story behind how these monuments got here and what they stand for?
About Town: Mythical Features
Like most folks, we love quirky tales that seem as tall as the Key Tower. We investigate five of our favorites.
About Town: Name Game
You've certainly visited Blossom Music Center or Wade Oval, but what do you know about the people who lent their monikers to these spots?
About Town: Personality Test
So you think you know our city? Its inner workings, its culture, its obsessive and unrelenting love of the Cleveland Browns? Chances are, you may need studying up. Take this quiz to find out your CLE IQ and how to put your score (each question is worth 10
About Town: Rocks of Ages
Long before we started building roads, factories and homes, Northeast Ohio underwent a grand construction project.
About Town: Who Are We?
The answer lies at Cleveland's great crossroads: East Ninth and Euclid.
Lift Off
Despite legal setbacks, artist Loren Naji opens the hatch to his Satellite Gallery in Collinwood.
Maker's Mark
Many Clevelanders have pinned their comeback hopes on the near West Side's trendy neighborhoods, but it's the East Side producer city that really counts.
Our Super-Awesome Spectacular Year
God really does love Cleveland. In a year when we landed Johnny Football, LeBron James and the Republican National Convention, our civic optimism is at an all-time high. With the national spotlight still shining brightly on us, we rise above our history o
The Out-of-Towners
Help your holiday guests explore Cleveland with these handy itineraries.
Circle Round
There's a lot to squeeze into seven hours at the 21st annual Holiday Circlefest Dec. 7. Let us play Rudolph and guide your way to a free, gleeful day.
Freeze Frame
If watching the trio of Manfred, Sid and Diego in the Ice Age movies has made you curious about their Pleistocene ancestors, head to Mammoths and Mastodons: Titans of the Ice Age exhibit at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History until
Jingle Bell Rockers
Ohio City Singers capture the magic of the holidays with fresh Christmas songs.
Old Friend
Two-time Rock Hall inductee and iconic songwriter Paul Simon collaborates on a new exhibit.
Fit to be Tied
Epic Bowtie Co. puts a twist on neckwear.
Nice List
Anyone can get gifts at the mall. You're not anyone. Find the best local and handmade goods at these markets.
Treasure Hunt
Handmade is all the rage now, but the Cleveland Bazaar has been offering a holiday artisan market for 10 years.
Healthy Living: Taking Action
Four Clevelanders share their journey of living with a medical condition and how local doctors and innovative treatments have helped them enjoy a more fulfilling and healthy life.