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Featured Articles
Cheer Factor
Before the hustle and bustle of the holiday season is upon us, gather round for a modern take on a white elephant party that’s full of fun, food and friends. Read on as we unwrap a host of party-planning tips, decorating advice and easy recipes for a bash decked out with some of our favorite things.
Where Are They Now: Andrea Thome
Food + Drink
5 Spots To Dine With Jolly Saint Nick
How It Works: Pizza ATM
Oak & Embers Fires Up A Second Location
Ring In The New Year With A Full Bar And Lucky Foods
The Doughnut Craze Continues With Bigmouth Donut Co.
These Cookies Pay Tribute To A #CLE Classic
Three New Changes At The Plum
Upgrade Your Sandwich At Gourmand's Deli
In the CLE
1944: A Snow Storm And Below-Freezing Temperatures Shut The City Down
Academic Challenge Celebrates Its 50th Season
Cleveland's Outer Neighborhoods Could Be The Key To The Future
John Lanigan Isn't Shy About Sharing His Opinions
Leonor's Choice
In August, Leonor Garcia, who entered this country illegally at the age of 15, was given two weeks to return to her native Mexico. Instead, the Akron mother of four has been living in sanctuary at Forest Hill Presbyterian Church in Cleveland Heights.
Name Badge
Shontel Brown Hopes To Bring People Together
Take A Tour Through Willoughby Hills' Frank Lloyd Wright House
The Choices We Make
Trading Post Train Shop Chugs Along As A Depot Model Trains
Transport Back To Summertime At Backyard Bocce
Where Are They Now: 1997 Cleveland Indians
Where Are They Now: Allie LaForce
Where Are They Now: Andrea Thome
Where Are They Now: Caila Quinn
Where Are They Now: Emily Keener
Where Are They Now: Gretchen Carlson
Where Are They Now: Hot In Cleveland
Where Are They Now: Jay Westbrook
Where Are They Now: Jen (Schefft) Waterman
Where Are They Now: Julie Zeilinger
Where Are They Now: Marc Cohn
Where Are They Now: Mark Zinni And Denise D'Ascenzo
Where Are They Now: Mary Joe Fernandez
Where Are They Now: Morgan Goldstein
Where Are They Now: News Flash
Where Are They Now: Peter Lawson Jones
Where Are They Now: Sadhu Johnston
Where Are They Now: Steve Schimoler
Where Are They Now: Susan Goldberg
Where Are They Now: Ulyana Horodyskyj
Where Are They Now: WGCL 98.5
Brian K. Vaughan's Runaways Debuts On Hulu
Deck The Halls With Postcards From The Past
Give The Gift Of Well-Written Stories
Northeast Ohio's Past Can Now Be Found All In One Space
Three Things You Have To Do At Kringle's Inventionasium Experience
We Break Down The Chagrin Falls Popcorn Ball Drop
At Home
Cheer Factor
Before the hustle and bustle of the holiday season is upon us, gather round for a modern take on a white elephant party that’s full of fun, food and friends. Read on as we unwrap a host of party-planning tips, decorating advice and easy recipes for a bash decked out with some of our favorite things.