TT: Gotta keep this six pack — dad bod.
DG: Dad bod for sure.
TT shoots DG a look.
TT: Because Darius said that we’ll have two training camps now.
TT: So anyways, by time I’m finished, it’s 4 p.m. That’s it in terms of my day, but for me personally, I’ll watch some Martin for a couple hours, some Seinfeld, The Office. 7 p.m. comes. I use my NBA League Pass. That’s free, by the way, because of our collective bargaining agreement. So I watch NBA until about midnight, and then I go to sleep and I do it again.
DG: Groundhog Day. What about game days?
TT: Game days are different. The day starts a little earlier. We have shootaround at 10 a.m., so I try to get here by 9 a.m. Go to shoot for about 45 minutes. So we’re about 10:45 a.m. Get some shots up. By the time I’m done with that, it’s 11 a.m. Go in the sauna for about 20 minutes because I like to try to keep my skin young and youthful and sweat everything out, you know, sweat from the inside out. You know, I’m trying to find the fountain of youth to keep up with you guys. I tell myself every day, “Don’t let the old man in. You let the old man in, you’re cooked.”
TT: By the time I get in my car and get home, it’s about noon. Chef has lunch. Then I’ll take a nap until about 3:30 p.m. Then I’ll get up, put on my Nike Tech Fit — because I only throw on nice outfits when it’s national TV games. Our staff knows I only put on ’fits when it’s national TV games. When it’s a regular game, I put my Nike Tech Fit on. I’m at the arena by 4:30 p.m. I’m on the court by 5 p.m. I shoot for 10 minutes, and DG comes. I dap him up, and he starts working out, and I go to the back to do conditioning. Told you, I try to keep my fountain of youth going. And then get ready for the game. And then after the game, me and DG, we figure out where we’re gonna go eat at. We can’t decide until 10 minutes before the restaurant closes, so we call, “Hey, coming in. Do us a favor. Stay open late.” “For sure. We love you guys. Go Cavs.” Then we’ll eat, and we probably won’t get home till about midnight, 12:30 a.m., and then that’s the end of the day for us.
DG: Do it all over again.
TT: So I think the toughest thing for us as NBA players is the travel. I think people don’t understand the fact that we could play a game at 7 p.m. By time we’re done, shower, get on the bus, get on the plane, land in the next city. It’s probably 2:30 in the morning, right? And imagine it’s a back-to-back. You play the next day at 7 p.m. Like, yeah, it’s easy playing basketball, but it’s not easy playing basketball when you have all the other variables.
DG: I think that’s what makes it tough, too, definitely the travel, especially in this weather now. You know, sick. Not knowing who’s in and out of the lineup. And you might get a plane delay here. Snow in the next city, can’t get out. So yeah, I think that’s definitely one of the biggest things that we’re going through.
DG: What is your least favorite city?
TT: Hmm... should I go arena or least favorite city? Because sometimes the arena energy is so bad. Those are two different things.
DG: Yeah, the arena really means a lot in the way of games.
TT: Because, sometimes, we go to some of these arenas, and it’s like a preseason game. The energy is so bad. I mean, this season the name that comes to mind is the Charlotte Hornets. That basically becomes a home game for us. Oh, D.C.’s energy’s dead, too.
DG: D.C. Yeah, that’s my one, too.
TT: That arena has taken a hit. But back when they had John Wall, Bradley Beal, it was rocking.
DG: Yeah?
TT: Chocolate City was rocking for real. Now, it’s ghost town. The chocolate is all expired.
DG: They need Willie Wonka back. What about [Sacramento]?
TT: The arena is great. The city … Sac is basically Milwaukee in California. So that’s pretty bad. You’re paying California tax to live in Milwaukee. It’s Northern California, too, not southern California. It’s even worse. Like, no sun. They got, like, hay. You know, Phil Jackson called it Cowtown.
DG: For real?
TT: Yeah. So whenever the Lakers back in the day used to play there, they had the cowbells. Shout out Sacramento. Congratulations, you are the Milwaukee of California.
DG: What’s the nickname with Sac?
TT: Sactown, but I call it Trash Town.
DG: Sack of potatoes.
DG: What about Portland? It’s depressing in Portland.
TT: Yeah, it’s a tough spot. It’s a tough spot on the road. I hear it’s great in the summertime, but unfortunately, we play a fall/winter sport. Everywhere is great in the summertime. A squirrel can always find a nut.
DG: Psh, big dog, been around. Big dog.