I Take This Man
€. Think about the promises you want to make to your spouse. Then frankly discuss those promises with him or her.
€. Strike a balance between tradition and doing your own thing. "Vows are just that - promises you make to one another,€VbCrLf Severyn says. "So you need to be solemn, reverent, deep, moving and spiritual.€VbCrLf Universality and simplicity help, too. "For example, promising €˜to stay together through rainstorms and sunshine' makes an easily graspable point.€VbCrLf
€. Recognize that marriage truly is a lifelong commitment. "Swapping €˜for as long as we both shall love' for €˜all the days of my life' kind of misses the point,€VbCrLf Severyn says.
€. Augment your own ideas with those presented in books on creating your own ceremony. Severyn suggests the refreshingly inspirational "Weddings From the Heart€VbCrLf by Daphne Rose Kingma.
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cle weddings
12:00 AM EST
November 7, 2007