Renowned couture designer Kirstie Kelly and Disney have developed gowns that represent six of the most beloved princesses, including Cinderella, Aurora (Sleeping Beauty), Belle, Snow White, Jasmine and Ariel. “The style of each dress is inspired by the personality of its representative princess, but everything is tasteful, understated and lovely,” says Kelly.
The lines are available at specialty bridal boutiques nationwide, with a huge selection locally at Catan Fashions by Patrice in Strongsville. Prices start at about $1,100. Find out which princess’s dress you’d love to wear.
The Dresses: “Cinderella is the quintessential princess,” says Kelly. “Her line evokes the big ball gown.” Gowns in this line are glamorous and feature details like silk tulle, satin, crystals and embroidered beading.
The Personality: Cinderella is gentle, kind and soft spoken with a keen, intelligent sense of humor. She displays confidence, but never arrogance, and a steady ethic, always sure of who she is inside. Optimism and hope are her noteworthy traits; through all of life’s challenges, she never gives up on the promise that some day her prince will come.
The Theme: “Someday My Prince Will Come.” For Cinderella, the inspiration is the grand ball. It’s the kind of wedding you really can’t overdo — details like white gloves for the bridesmaids, lush bouquets of flowers everywhere, even a horse and carriage to carry the newlywed couple from the church to the reception are all appropriate. The celebration should include a banquetlike sit-down dinner and an orchestra with ballroom dancing. And don’t forget a stunning tiara.
Snow White
The Dresses: The Snow White dresses say “sweet elegance.” They follow a clean, simple line. Design elements include rouched chiffon, tulle inlays with beading and pleated satins.
The Personality: “Snow White is the youngest princess,” says Kelly. “She is demure, pure and gentle. Her look is contemporary and clean, never super frilly or overdone.” She is beautiful and childlike, and her spirit of friendship wins the hearts of everyone she meets.
The Theme: “Fairest of Them All.” For Snow White, let it be about contrast. To showcase the wholesomeness of the bride, have the bridesmaids appear in more dramatic cuts and colors to set her off, and see if you can round up seven little flowergirls and ring bearers for the wedding party. Decorations can include lush foliage and woodland flowers. And how about a wedding cake with a little apple in it?
The Dresses: The collection inspired by Sleeping Beauty’s Princess Aurora is lovely and romantic. The dress fabrics include georgette, Chantilly and high-shine satin; details include pearl and crystal embellishments with pleated hems and beaded organza inlays.
The Personality: Kelly describes Princess Aurora as she does Snow White, but Aurora is more earthy, wise and thoughtful; she’s a pretty, loving dreamer, and her personality has a hint of sophisticated romance.
The Theme: “Once Upon a Dream.” The theme is simple, romantic, demure. Sleeping Beauty awakens to love, so let the wedding and reception carry that feeling with bright, springtime flowers and gentle music, delicate finger foods and a pretty cake.
The Dress: The Belle collection is stylish and sophisticated. Details include lace and ribbon, bands of satin and taffeta, with beautiful tulle flowers at the neckline. “It’s lighter on the beading and texture driven,” says Kelly, “with a very clean silhouette.”
The Personality: Princess Belle is a natural, unaffected beauty who is quite book smart. And though she loves books and loves to read, she is still very romantic; she adores a good love story.
The Dress: The look for Princess Jasmine is bohemian chic. Dress details include appliquéd lace, embroidery and draping, with chiffon and satin mixed in with clustered beadwork. The style is sexy and exotic, but still simple, understated and elegant.
The Personality: “Princess Jasmine is adventurous, exotic and fiery,” Kelly says. She’s an independent woman with great inner strength, not afraid to take life by the horns.
The Theme: “Magic Carpet Ride.” Princess Jasmine seeks out her destiny, and her romantic spirit can be found in the details. The bride and groom are footloose and fancy free. Perhaps we’d see a balloon launch after the ceremony, wedding party, casually elegant food and drinks, and jovial, lighthearted music playing into the wee hours.
The Dress: Ariel’s dress is a little sexier than some of the others. Fabrics include silks and chiffons, while the details are beads, leaf appliqué and pearls. Each gown channels Ariel’s undersea heritage with a mermaidlike “wave effect” at the bottom.
The Personality: Ariel is well known for her attitude: She’s headstrong, feisty — maybe even a little stubborn at times — but with a loveable sense of humor and loyalty. Her head is full of romantic notions.
The Theme: “World Beyond the Sea.” Good humor and sex appeal combine here to make this wedding and reception a delightful party. Try a beach-themed affair with a party band, interesting cocktails, seafood on the menu and seashells mixed into the decorations. “Sea of Love” would be a perfect wedding song.