This classic restaurant used to be a former hotel for gun slingers and weary travelers. “It was built by two sisters and then it turned into a restaurant, then a breakfast nook and then Brennans in ’73,” says owner Tim Freeman. Nautical art provided by community members decorate the walls. Order the Lake Erie perch or walleye year-round, which comes with the restaurant's creamy house-made coleslaw and fresh hand-cut french fries. $16-$30, $5 walleye sandwich, Monday-Thursday, 11 a.m.-8 p.m.; Friday-Saturday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., 102 River St., Grand River, 440-354-9785,
Fish Fry We Love: Brennan's Fish House
The Grand River restaurant is more than 150 years old and serves up Lake Erie perch and walleye.
fish fries
8:00 AM EST
February 17, 2023